Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
OrderNumberAddition |
Additional order article number |
string |
None. |
OwnArticleNumberAddition |
Additional own article number |
string |
None. |
FreeText1 |
FreeText1 |
string |
None. |
FreeText2 |
FreeText2 |
string |
None. |
FreeText3 |
FreeText3 |
string |
None. |
CurrentStockPrice |
Current stock price of the variation |
decimal number |
None. |
DefaultPurchasingCosts |
Default purchasing costs when creating a purchase order |
decimal number |
None. |
EanCode |
EAN-code of the variation |
string |
None. |
Notice |
Notice of the variation |
string |
None. |
BuyingRelays |
List of buying prices of the variation |
Collection of ProductPriceInformationV1 |
None. |
SellingRelays |
List of selling prices of the variation |
Collection of ProductPriceInformationV1 |
None. |
ColorNames |
List of translations of the option1 names Obsolete, will be removed in the near future |
Collection of TranslationItem |
None. |
SizeNames |
List of translations of the option2 names Obsolete, will be removed in the near future |
Collection of TranslationItem |
None. |
Option1Names |
List of translations of the option1 names |
Collection of TranslationItem |
None. |
Option2Names |
List of translations of the option2 names |
Collection of TranslationItem |
None. |
LinkList |
Links stored for the color size combination |
Collection of LinkItemV1 |
None. |
VariationIdentifier |
Unique identifier for the variation |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
UseOnlyOrderNumberAddition |
Use OrderNumberAddition for the order number or combine OrderNumber and OrderNumberAddition |
boolean |
None. |
UseOnlyOwnArticleNumberAddition |
Use OwnArticleNumberAddition for the own article number or combine OwnArticleNumber and OwnArticleNumberAddition |
boolean |
None. |
ImportInformations |
List of information of the import source of the item |
Collection of ImportInformation |
None. |
ArticleDynamicDatas |
List of dynamic language independent data of the item |
Collection of ArticleDynamicDataItem |
None. |
ArticleDynamicLanguageDatas |
List of dynamic language dependent data of the item |
Collection of ArticleDynamicLanguageDataItem |
None. |
Option1Key |
Key for the Option1 |
string |
None. |
Option2Key |
Key for the Option2 |
string |
None. |
IsActive |
Is the variation active |
boolean |
None. |
DefaultDeliveryDays |
Default delivery time in days for the product or betterment in this variation. For products without imprints, for imprints without product. Null when not known |
integer |
None. |